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⚙ī¸ Update Integration Code

This section outlines the structure of a brand new integration, as well as provide some standards and practices to add your own custom logic to the integration.

Integration folder structure​

After scaffolding a new integration (using the ocean new command), a new directory with the integration name you provided will be created, it will have the following structure:

└── my_new_integration
├── tests
│   └──
├── pyproject.toml
├── poetry.toml
├── config.yaml
├── changelog
├── Makefile
├── Dockerfile

Let's go over some important files and how to use them during the integration's development. - run an integration​

This file serves as the entrypoint for the integration logic, when you scaffold a new integration it will already contain placeholders that guide you how and where in the code to implement your logic.

Of course since this file is only the entrypoint, you can add as many other .py files as needed and construct your own directory structure including classes and modules when developing your integration.


When running the command ocean sail, the Ocean CLI triggers a run of the integration using the file, after loading all of the necessary context and resources required by the Ocean framework. - debug an integration​

This file is used to trigger a local development run of the integration, it is useful to debug your integration and examine its execution through your IDE or preferred Python debugging interface.

In most cases you should not change this file, only use it as the target for your debug execution of the integration.


This file is used for the following main goals:

  • Maintain the integration's current version via the version field. Should be bumped when a new version of the integration is released
  • Maintains the list of dependencies required by the integration, should be updated when new dependencies are added to the integration using the poetry CLI
  • Stores the configuration for automated tools that ensure consistent code quality for every developed integration. These include mypy, ruff and black. In addition it includes the setup for towncrier to maintain a proper CHANGELOG for the integration.

Add dependencies to the integration​

It is very common that an integration needs to make HTTP requests or utilize some 3rd-party library to perform its unique logic. This means the integration requires additional dependencies during its runtime.

Ocean framework integrations use Poetry to manage their dependencies, you can refer to the Poetry website for the CLI reference and documentation, here are some common commands:

  • poetry install - install all dependencies listed in the pyproject.toml file in the virtual env of the integration
  • poetry add X - add the specified package to the list of dependencies required by the integration (and also install it)
    • poetry add -D x - add the specified package to the list of dev dependencies used during the integration's development (and also install it)
  • poetry remove X - remove the specified package from the list of dependencies used by the integration