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đŸ“Ļ Publish an Integration

This guide outlines the steps required to publish an integration built using the Ocean framework.

This guide assumes that you already went through the quickstart and you have an integration in development.


  • Ensure you have a .port folder with a spec.yaml file that holds information about the integration, including version, configuration, features, and type.
  • Your integration should pass the following linting checks using the make lint command:
    • black for code formatting.
    • mypy for type checking.
    • ruff for code quality analysis.
    • poetry check for dependency checks.

All of the integrations powered by Ocean are expected to pass the automated CI check, when you open a PR to the Port Ocean repository in Github, Port's CI will validate that your new code passes the CI checks and Port's team will only merge your code once it passes.

Steps to publish an integration​

Create a fork​

Fork the Ocean framework repository to your GitHub account. This will create a copy of the repository under your account.

Clone your fork​

Clone the forked repository to your local machine using the following command:

git clone

Add your integration​

Place your integration code inside the integrations folder of your local repository. Ensure the file hierarchy matches that of other public integrations.

Run linting and checks​

Run make lint to ensure your integration meets the required quality standards as specified in the prerequisites section

Commit and push​

Commit your changes to the branch and push the changes to your fork on GitHub.

Open a pull request​

Open a pull request from your branch in your fork to the main branch of the Ocean framework repository.

Review and collaboration​

Collaborate with the community and maintainers to address any feedback on your pull request. Make necessary changes to ensure your integration aligns with the framework's standards.

Merge and publish​

Once your pull request is approved and passes all checks, it will be merged into the main repository. Your integration will now be available to all users of Port and the Ocean framework.

Publishing a new version​

When merging a new version of your integration, ensure that the version number in the spec.yaml file is updated. This will allow the CI to detect the new version and publish it to port's image registry.


Publishing an Ocean integration allows you to contribute to Port's capabilities and extend its integration library, by leveraging the abstractions provided by the Ocean framework. Following the steps outlined in this guide ensures that your integration meets the framework's quality standards and becomes a valuable addition to the framework.