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🔁 Sync Entities State

The Ocean framework provides a way to sync entities state between the 3rd-party application and Port. This can be done using the Ocean sync and raw sync functionality.

The following functions are used to check state of entities in Port vs the state of entities and objects reported by the 3rd-party service. Based on the difference between these two states, the integration will generate a set of create, update and delete requests to Port's API, that will sync the two states.


The integration will only interact with entities in Port that match its user agent. This means these are entities that were either created or updated by the integration during their lifecycle.

For more information refer to the user agent page.

Ocean raw sync

Ocean raw sync is a simple way to sync entities state into Port.

The Ocean raw sync functionality uses the integration resource mapping specified by the end user to transform the 3rd-party raw data into Port entities, by leveraging the JQ expressions specified in the resource mapping applying them to the raw data received from the 3rd-party.

By default, Ocean will perform a raw sync on all data returned from the @ocean.on_resync listener functions. In these functions, the integration needs to return a list of raw data (dictionaries) that the end user will be able to transform into Port entities using the resource mapping.

The Ocean context provides multiple functions that can be used to help to sync raw data into Port:


A decorator used to wrap the function that will be called when the integration receives a resync event.

The wrapped function will need to return a list of raw data (dictionaries) that will be transformed into Port entities.

By default, the decorated function will be used to process all kinds specified in the integration's resource mapping (the default value to filter kinds is *).

It is possible to create a separate function that will handle a specific kind by passing the kind argument to the decorator.

from port_ocean.context.ocean import ocean

# The following function will be called and used to process only
# resources of the "SpecialKind" during every resync event
def special_kind_resync(kind: str):
return [...] # List of raw dictionaries from the 3rd party application

# The following function will be called and used to process all kinds during every resync event
def generic_resync(kind: str):
if kind == "SpecialKind":
return []
return [...] # List of raw dictionaries from the 3rd party application

As shown in the Performance page, it is recommended to use the @ocean.on_resync decorator and return a generator with the results (using the yield keyword) to avoid blocking the event loop and improve integration performance.

For simplicity, the examples above show usage of the decorator using the return keyword.


The ocean.sync_raw_all function checks the current state of Port entities managed by the integration, then it calls all of the functions decorated with the @ocean.on_resync() decorator to perform a complete resync between the state in Port and the state in the 3rd-party service.

from port_ocean.context.ocean import ocean

# Whenever a POST request is made to the "/integration/my-custom-resync" route of the integration,
# a complete resync will occur"/my-custom-resync")
def my_custom_resync():

This function starts a complete resync event calls all of the decorated functions, therefore it is recommended to use this function only when the integration needs to resync the state for all of the entities from all of the kinds.


The ocean.update_raw_diff function is used to calculate the difference between 2 given states and apply it to Port.

The function receives 2 arguments:

  1. kind - a string that specifies the kind of entities to perform the update for, will be used to find the relevant resource mapping
  2. raw_diff - a dictionary that contains 2 keys - before and after that contain the desired state of known entities before and after the update respectively

The function will generate a list of create, update and delete requests based on the raw_diff and apply the requests to Port to sync the entities state.

from port_ocean.context.ocean import ocean"/sync")
def sync_webhook():
# Fetch the raw data from the 3rd party application
raw_data = [...] # List of raw dictionaries from the 3rd party application

# Calculate the difference between the current state and the desired state
ocean.update_raw_diff("MyKind", {
"before": [...], # List of raw dictionaries from Port
"after": raw_data

The ocean.update_raw_diff function will not affect entities that are not defined in the given states. Therefore, if the integration is syncing a list of entities, the function will not delete entities that are not defined in the before state and missing in the after state.


An empty list can be passed to the before or after keys to indicate that there is no state for the given kind, and therefore all the entities in the other state will be created or deleted accordingly.


The ocean.register_raw function transforms the given data into Port entities without taking the existing state into consideration, the function will only create or update entities in Port based on the list of dictionaries passed to it and the resource mapping matching the input kind:

from port_ocean.context.ocean import ocean"/sync")
def sync_webhook():
# Fetch the raw data from the 3rd party application
raw_data = [...] # List of raw dictionaries from the 3rd party application

# Register the raw data into Port
ocean.register_raw("MyKind", raw_data)


The ocean.unregister_raw function transforms the given data into Port entities without taking the existing state into consideration, the function will only delete entities in Port based on the list of dictionaries passed to it and the resource mapping matching the input kind:

from port_ocean.context.ocean import ocean"/sync")
def sync_webhook():
# Fetch the raw data from the 3rd party application
raw_data = [...] # List of raw dictionaries from the 3rd party application

# Unregister the raw data from Port
ocean.unregister_raw("MyKind", raw_data)

Ocean sync

The Ocean sync functions provide equivalent functionality to their raw sync counterparts. The difference is that the sync functions expect objects that already match the format of Port entities.


Since these functions receive proper entities, there is no need to specify the kind parameter.


Equivalent to ocean.update_raw_diff

from port_ocean.context.ocean import ocean
from port_ocean.core.models import Entity"/sync")
def sync_webhook():
entities = [Entity(...)] # List of constructed entities

# Calculate the difference between the current state and the desired state
"before": [...],
"after": entities


Equivalent to ocean.register_raw

from port_ocean.context.ocean import ocean
from port_ocean.core.models import Entity"/sync")
def sync_webhook():
entities = [Entity(...)] # List of constructed entities

# Register the entities into Port


Equivalent to ocean.unregister_raw

from port_ocean.context.ocean import ocean
from port_ocean.core.models import Entity"/sync")
def sync_webhook():
entities = [Entity(...)] # List of constructed entities

# Register the entities into Port


The ocean.sync function receives a list of Port entity objects, it calculates the difference between the given list and the state in Port and then applies the necessary changes to Port.

from port_ocean.context.ocean import ocean
from port_ocean.core.models import Entity"/sync")
def sync_webhook():
entities = [Entity(...)] # List of constructed entities

# Sync the entities into Port