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📋 Integration Spec and Defaults

This section explains the structure of the .port folder and its different components.

The .port folder is used to provide resources that are used by the Ocean framework when starting up an integration, the folder includes files that are used both in the initial startup of the integration, as well as validate its configuration in every subsequent run.

.port folder​

Here is an example structure for the .port folder:

└── my_new_integration/
├── .port/
│ ├── spec.yml
│ └── resources/
│ ├── port-app-config.yml
│ └── blueprints.json
└── ...

Let's go over the different files, their structure and functionality:

spec.yaml file​

The spec.yml file is used to provide the integration specification and also a validation layer for the inputs required by the integration. The validation layer is used to verify the provided integration configuration during the integration startup process.


Here is the structure of a sample spec.yml file:

type: myIntegration
description: My integration for Port Ocean
icon: myIntegration
- type: exporter
section: Project management
- kind: my_integ_kind1
- kind: my_integ_kind2
- name: appHost
required: false
type: url
description: "The host of the Port Ocean app. Used to set up the integration endpoint as the target for Webhooks created in the 3rd party service"
- name: secretToken
required: true
type: string
description: "The token to authenticate with the 3rd party service"
sensitive: true

Let's go over the different sections and their allowed values:

Integration base specification​

type: myIntegration
description: My integration for Port Ocean
icon: myIntegration

This section is used to specify the basic information of the integration, this information is used for proper display in Port's UI interface.

The integration's base spec includes:

  • type - integration type, also determines the name of the generated image for the integration
  • description - the description that will be displayed in Port's UI for the integration
  • icon - the icon that will displayed in Port's UI for the integration, the value has to match one of the icons available in Port's library

features - integration feature specification​

- type: exporter
section: Project management
- kind: my_integ_kind1
- kind: my_integ_kind2

This section is used to specify the features supported by the integration, this information is used for proper display in Port's UI interface.

The integration's features spec is an array where each item includes:

  • type - the type of the integration
    • Available values: exporter/gitops
  • section - the category of the integration within its type
    • Available values: GitOps, Git Providers, Project management and more
  • resources - an array of key-value pairs that specify the kinds provided by the integration
    • For example - the Jira Ocean integration provides the kinds issue and project

configurations - integration configuration validation​

- name: appHost
required: false
type: url
description: "The host of the Port Ocean app. Used to set up the integration endpoint as the target for Webhooks created in the 3rd party service"
- name: secretToken
required: true
type: string
description: "The token to authenticate with the 3rd party service"
sensitive: true

This section is used to specify the inputs required by the integration, this information is used to verify the integration configuration is valid before the integration starts. This information is also used to auto-generate the correct deployment snippet in Port's UI for the integration.

The integration's configurations spec is an array where each item includes:

  • name - the name of the integration parameter
    • Parameters should be passed in camelCase format - appHost, secretToken, emailAddress, etc.
  • required - whether the parameter is required or optional
    • Available values: true, false
  • type - the type of the parameter
    • Available values: string, number, boolean, object, array, url
  • description - a description for the parameter and its usage in the integration
    • Please provide a description to make it easier for users who want to use your integration to understand the different required parameters
  • sensitive - whether this parameter is secret or sensitive
    • Available values: true, false
    • Parameters marked as sensitive are stored in the secrets mechanism provided by the integration deployment scheme (K8s secret for Helm deployment, AWS Secrets Manager for deployment in AWS ECS, etc)

To learn more about the available parameter inputs and see examples for valid configurations, check out the configuration validation page

Default resources​

The .port/resources directory is used to provide default resources that will be created when the integration is installed.

The following resources are supported:

blueprints.json file​

"identifier": "myBlueprint",
"title": "My Blueprint",
"icon": "Microservice",
"schema": {
"properties": {
"myProp": {
"title": "My Property",
"type": "string"
"relations": {
"relatedBlueprint": {
"title": "Related Blueprint",
"target": "relatedBlueprintIdentifier",
"required": false,
"many": false

The blueprints.json file is part of the .port/resources directory, it is used to specify the default blueprints that will be created when the integration is installed.


The blueprints.json is a JSON file which contains an array of objects that match the blueprint objects from Port's API.


The blueprints.json file is optional, if it is not provided, the integration will not create any blueprints when it is installed.

However, to make integration easier to use and onboard into Port, it is highly recommended to provide a blueprints.json file which users can use as a starting point and customize the data ingested from the integration into Port

port-app-config.yml file​

- kind: myKind
query: "true"
identifier: .myIdentifierField
title: .myTitleField
blueprint: '"myTargetBlueprintIdentifier"'
myProp: .myPropField

The port-app-config.yml file is part of the .port/resources directory, it is used to specify the default integration resource mapping that will be created when the integration is installed.


Refer to the resource mapping feature documentation to learn more about Ocean's mapping functionality


The port-app-config.yml is a YAML file which contains a root object called resources, this object stores an array of definitions that tell the integration how to map the different kinds that it supports.


The port-app-config.yml file is optional, if it is not provided, the integration will create an empty mapping when it is installed.

However, to make integration easier to use and onboard into Port, it is highly recommended to provide a port-app-config.yml file which users can use as a starting point and customize the data ingested from the integration into Port